Become a Poll Watcher
Ammon Bundy (Independent candidate for Idaho Governor) is recruiting poll watchers for his campaign. The job of a poll watcher is to attend the polling site and observe the proceedings to make sure the election goes on as expected (in a legal and ethical manor.) If you want to sign up to be a poll watcher on election day, click here to register with Mr. Bundy’s campaign.
Events in the Magic Valley
Pushback Idaho “We Hear You!” Zoom Series: Pam and Mia of Pushback Idaho are hosting a series of Zoom conferences dealing with Idaho’s RINO problem. The first of the series starts tonight October 25 at 7:00pm on Zoom. Click here to get the link.
Ammon Bundy Twin Falls Town Hall: Come meet the only conservative option Idahoans have left for governor. The town hall will be held at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls on Thursday, October 27 at 7:00pm.
Save the Date: Twin Falls County Commissioner Don Hall and Senator Elect Glenneda Zuiderveld are hosting a Town Hall to improve election transparency. Come with your questions and concerns about machines, drop boxes, absentee voting etc. Glenneda will be presenting proposed legislation for the 2023 legislative session. Wednesday November 2nd, County West Building, 630 Addison Avenue West, 5:30 PM (about 1.5 hrs) in the Planning & Zoning room (south entrance of building).
Biblical Activism Bootcamp: Reserve your tickets now to attend the Biblical Activism Bootcamp on Saturday November 12 at Eastside Baptist Church. The Idaho Family Policy Center will explain how to be a bible-following political activist (despite what your pastor says!)
Reading List
“Zucker Bucks” In Twin Falls: Read our interview with Election Integrity Idaho’s Kathy Thomsen as she walks us through the cautionary tale that was the 2020 election in Idaho. Kathy outlines how outside influence in Idaho’s election process is still a real threat to our election process.
The Coming Economic Collapse: Read about the coming economic global collapse and why it is not to be feared, but rather is necessary.
RINOs supporting Democrats in Upcoming Election: When you see several of Idahos’ prominent Republican current and former law makers coming out to throw their support behind a democrat, you know something’s gone terribly wrong. Want proof of Idaho’s RINO problem? Read this article.
MVLA Q&A with Paul Thompson: Read MVLA’s own Hilber Nelson’s interview with the Constitution party’s candidate for Senator in Idaho District 25. We discuss Mr. Thompson’s past run for office, why he’s running now, and what you can do to help him win against known RINO Linda Hartgen.
IFF Helps Equip Parents: Read the article published by our partners at Idaho Freedom Foundation about their newest endeavor: equipping parents to fight back against the woke brainwashing of our children.